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Alabaster dePlume, 'Don't Forget You're Precious'

This week poet and saxophonist Alabaster dePlume released "Don't Forget You're Precious," our first taste of his new record, GOLD – Go Forward In The Courage Of Your Love. The title sums it up well: It's a song about taking the time to step back and look hard at the things that are working against you. "I remember to check my Instagram, but I forget that I'm precious," dePlume sings over a backdrop of mindful drumming, saxophone and angelic vocals. The song is accompanied by an absolutely stunning video that features the artist blindfolded and leading a firing squad made up of children. He says it's inspired by a real experience that occurred at a festival, and the feeling that we live our lives "as if blindfolded yet trying to behave like we can see where we're going."

Copyright 2022 North Carolina Public Radio – WUNC

Brian Burns
Brian Burns graduated from UNC's School of Information and Library Science in 2015 and is currently working as WUNC's Music Librarian.